Download the Colchester Hospital University NHS FOUNDATION Trust case study
Colchester General Hospital opened in 1984. There are over 600 beds, including inpatient, maternity and critical care. The Trust provides healthcare services to around 370,000 people from Colchester and the surrounding area of North East Essex. In addition, they provide radiotherapy and oncology services to a wider population of about 670,000 people across North and Mid-Essex.
Providing exemplary care to patients is at the core of what the Trust does at Colchester General Hospital and with the introduction of free WiFi, they can offer an extra way for patients to feel cared for. The Trust wanted to ensure they were delivering on the request from Jeremy Hunt for free WiFi in NHS hospitals by 2020.
See how WiFi SPARK implemented a bespoke system to achieve their goals;
- Free patient WiFi
- 2 week delivery
- Utilise existing infrastructure
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